Weddings & Special Occasion Lookbook & Store Locator







dress views




store searches


A Quarter of a Million Brides-to-Be
Looking for their Wedding Dress

Three-out-of-four Canadian brides search wedding dresses on the dressfinder.

But our international audience is even larger and growing, a testament to the dressfinder's easy UI & content-driven marketing.

Complete, Accurate, Accessible

The dressfinder can be used on any device, as a fully responsive web-app, as well as a dedicated iPhone app.

The information is as complete as possible. We aim to include every single dress and boutique in North America.

Both the dress lookbook and store locator are free. They do not require an account, membership or login.

All content is curated by our team. We do not use bots to index information ad-hoc from the Internet. Dresses and shops include useful, up-to-date, searchable "meta-data", like style, pricing, availablity, reviews, hours of operation etc.

An Industry First:
Publish your Inventory

The dressfinder is the first lookbook service to include dress availability & stocking info for our users.

Using our free boutique manager web-app, stores can readily post their inventory by size, price & color. The dressfinder's locator will then let brides know who has a sample that they can try in stock, in their size, right now.

This dramatically increases both the dressfinder's popularity with brides, but also participating shops' audience .

Brides (and bridesmaids, mothers, grads) will travel a much greater distance to a boutique they know has their dream dress in stock.

Services for Boutiques

  • Preferred Placements (higher)
  • Premium Listings (bigger)
  • Event Promotion (sales, trunkshows)
  • Inventory Publishing (showcase your stock)
  • Advertising (banner ads)
  • Media & Social (real brides, editorials)
[ learn more ]

Services for Designers/Distributors

  • Collection Boosting (higher)
  • Analytics (views, popularity, store lookups etc)
  • Market Insights (brands, styles, demographics)
  • Custom Reports (on demand)
  • Event Promotion (trunk shows, launches)
  • Advertising (banner ads, retargeting)
  • Media & Social (real brides, editorials, newsletter)
  • Collection Management (dresses, MSRPs, stockists)
[ learn more ]

Flexible, Affordable Rates
Live Management & Reporting

All advertising on the dressfinder is pay-as-you-go & performance-based.

  • no annual contracts or terms required
    start/stop any time
  • comprehensive live analytics
  • online management of your info & campaigns
  • pay "like a phone bill"
    • small monthly fees for services like premium listings or inventory publishing ($20-$30 for shops, $50-$100 for designers)
    • pay-per-click charges for advertising like referrals, emails or dress views ($0.50/click, $2/email, $0.01/dress etc)
    • bidding is also possible, for preferreed placements

Please be Patient.

Most Reports are generated live,
querying millions of rows of data.